The standards developed within Cross-Tech are modeled on ASTM Standards in the format and grouping. They provide a starting point for the development of official ASTM or other international standards.
Cross-Tech standards are identified by group. For example CT-QM1100 (2024) is a ‘Quality Method’ that for measuring surface elevation irregularity. Each standard designation has a 2 letter abbreviation (QM in this example) that indicate what type of standard it is. The following is a summary of the classes of standards currently under consideration:
- QM indicates Quality Method: These standards represent a test method for a property associated with the quality of a surface or product. Method standards do not establish specified levels but often include example specifications as a guide to users.
- QS indicates Quality Specification: These standards establish specify required levels for quality related properties. For example a Quality Specification might establish a maximum allowable surface irregularity of the playing surface after installation.
- SM indicates Safety Method: These standards represent a test method for a property associated with the safety of a surface or product.
- SS indicates Safety Specification: These standards establish specify required levels for safety related properties.
- PM indicates Performance Method: These standards represent a test method for a property associated with the performance of a surface or product. PM standards are related to the performance of the athlete or performer.
- PS indicates Performance Specification: These standards establish specify required levels for performance related properties.
- CM indicates Calibration Method: These standards establish calibration methods for test and measurement devices.
- TM indicates Technical Method: These standards establish test methods for the measurement of technical (non-safety, and non-performance) properties of a surface or product. Rolling Load Limits are an example of a technical property of a sport/performance surface.
- TS indicates Technical Specification: These standards specify required levels for technical related properties.