

This page contains links to the technical and recreational organizations that ASET Services or its employees maintain membership status. Explore this page if you are interested in learning how ASET Services blends the technical and educational needs of the sports surface industry.


American Society for Testing and Materials;
Member F-08 Committee on Sports Standards

ASET Services has regularly attended both the spring and fall ASTM F-O8 Committee meetings since 2002. ASET participates in meetings for a variety of sports surfaces from indoor courts, to natural and artificial turf, time permitting. ASET is currently active in the development of both a force reduction and indoor court surfaces standard.


National Society of Professional Engineers;

ASET Services’ President and founder is a member of NSPE. NSPE as well as ISPE (Indiana Society of Professional Engineers) have proved to be a valuable tool in continuing education as well as professional development.


International Association for Sports Surface Scientists
Scientific Member

ASET Services maintains a membership at the scientific level within the International Association of Sports Surface Scientists.